Profi hozzállás
A legjobb minőségű munkát végzem és mindig a legújabb, naprakész szolgáltatásokat nyújtom.
Személyre szabott élmény
Szeretném, hogy aki betér hozzám, különlegesnek érezze magát, mivel mindenkinek egyedi és magas szintű szolgáltatásban lesz része!
Szeretem, amit csinálok
Nőként azt vallom, hogy a szépségnek nincs kora, a szépség élettapasztalattal nő. Belülről fakad, de kívülről is tegyünk érte!
Mindig is érdekelt a nők testi és lelki szépségének ápolása. Igyekeztem megtalálni az évek során az utamat ahol ezeket a gondolataimat és utam során megszerezett tapasztalataimat kamatoztathatom és boldogságot, mosolyt csalhatok mások arcára. Elkezdtem kozmetikai alapokat tanulni, képzésekkel tágítani a tudásomat, hogy egyre többet és jobbat tudjak nyújtani! Itt nincs vége, és egy sminktanfolyamot is elvégeztem, hogy még több önbizalmat kaphass nálam.
– Papp Niki
Our Team
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
As co-founder of the first all-woman physician plastic surgery practice in Atlanta, Dr. Diane Z. Alexander is a nationally recognized leader in cosmetic surgery, non-invasive facial rejuvenation and anti-aging. As much an artist as a surgeon, she sees Artisan Beauté as the natural fulfillment of her journey for the women she serves.
Külső és belső szépség
Arcunk és bőrünk ápolása, sminkelése, nem csak egy külső megjelenésbeli változás, hanem az egész testünk szépségének, lelkünk harmóniájának és az életünk minőségének javítása is. Nálam kényeztető élményben lehet részed, amely segít abban, hogy belső harmóniát megteremtsük és ezt a külvilágnak tükrözzük.